Hugo Exiner

Jenaer Str. 18
Stone was laid
21 March 2014
18 April 1878 in Militsch / Milicz
on 26 February 1943 to Auschwitz
in Auschwitz
Erna Exiner (born Wolff ) was born on 29 January 1888 in Berlin. Hugo Exiner, the husband of Erna, was born on 18 April 1878 in Militsch (Silesia).
Mr. & Mrs. Hugo Exiner had two children, a boy named Herbert and agirl named Gerda. ( Gerdas’ future husband, Ernst Jacobsohn, also lost his entire
family, parents, aunts and brother in concentration camps.)

With her husband Hugo, she lived in Jenaer Straße 18.Grete Exiner-Hartmann, a close good relative through marriage,
who due to working in the Berlin office of Palestine & Orient, LloydGmbH from 1933, was able to help Gerda Exiner escape in 1939 to London, UK.

(Dr. Yehuda) Herbert Exiner, brother of Gerda Exiner, was able to escape Germany earlier in 1930s and make it to Haifa, Israel, and then complete studies to become a doctor of medicine. In 1939, daughter Gerda Exiner had then to escape from Berlin andleave her parents behind.

Erna and Hugo Exiner were deported together on 26 February 1943 from the Berlin freight station Moabit with 913 people to the Auschwitz concentration camp at 570 kilometers away and murdered in the gas chambers of Birkenau. There are three grandsons and one grandaughter named Ruth Exner.

Living in New York, USA, Michael Jacobsohn, married to Rosemarie, lives in New York and is an independent filmmaker. Ben Jacobsohn, married, with two children, also living on Long Island, New York. Ruth Exiner, living in Haifa, Israel. Dan Exiner, living in Haifa, Israel, with two daughters.