Konrad Behrendt

Hussitenstr. 7
Stone was laid
July 2008
04 August 1902 in Berlin
Bäcker / BVG-Mitarbeiter / Stadtverordneter
20 May 1943 im Zuchthaus Luckau
The BVG has dismissed several hundred employees over the past weeks. Herr Direktor Brolat probably wanted to give his former employees the opportunity to become better acquainted with the blessings of the German unemployment benefit system. But we have noticed another outcome of the cut-backs, which especially concerns the BVG staff. The greater exploitation of the staff causes the frequency of accidents to rise.

Konni Behrendt to the city council, 9.1.1930

Konni Behrendt was a baker. He joined a trade union and the USPD in the early 1920s. In 1924, he went over to the KPD. He started working for the BVG in 1929 and became a member of the works council with a position on the supervisory board. In 1932, he became a member of the Berlin district committee of the RGO (Revolutionary Union Opposition). Having played a key role in the BVG strike, he was dismissed from his job and position on the supervisory board. He was arrested on 28.2.1933, the night of the Reichstag fire, and remained in detention until September. On his release, he tried to continue the work of the banned RGO in Wedding and was re-arrested in 1935. He was sentenced to eight years’ imprisonment by the People's Court on 29.4.1936. He died in Luckau prison infirmary. The cause of death was entered as tuberculosis of the lung.

Konni Behrendt was a city councillor 1929 – 1933, Constituency 6 Kreuzberg (KPD)
Charlotte Kreutzmüller