Betty Cohn née Cohn

Crellestr. 46
Historical name
Bahnstraße 46
Stone was laid
March 2008
20 November 1878 in Frankfurt/Oder
on 19 January 1942 to Riga
in Riga
Betty Cohn was born on 20 November 1878 in Frankfurt (Oder). She is listed in the Berlin directory as the landlady of the building at Bahnstrasse 46 under the name Cohn-Konrad. No more is currently known about her.

In the early 1940s Betty Cohn lived on the third floor of the house’s left wing, where Max Löwy was also registered as resident. On 13 January 1942, Löwy was sent on a transport to Riga, after which there is no more trace of him. Just a few days later, on 19 January 1942, Betty Cohn was sent on the 9th “transport to the East”. She and a thousand others were deported in freight cars from Grunewald station to Riga, where she was probably shot shortly after her arrival.