Herbert Hütter

Linienstraße 64
Stone was laid
20 September 2019
12 January 1931 in Bertlin
on 19 October 1942 to Riga
22 October 1942 in Riga
What did Herbert Hütter experience in his short life? Born on 12 January 1931, he was enrolled in school in 1937, after which he would have received some basic education. The enrolment photo shows a proud little boy with a large sugar cone.

Herbert saw his father snatched from their home by police officers in the early hours of 28 October 1938. His father was away from home for almost a year and, shortly after his return, was sent to Sachsenhausen concentration camp. Herbert never saw him again. His aunt, uncle, and cousin had fled the country in 1938. Herbert’s mother worked as forced labour. He often had to stay home alone while his sister, gravely ill, remained in hospital.

Herbert and his mother were deported from Berlin to Riga on 19 October 1942, while Doris was still in hospital. Both were murdered immediately upon arrival. Herbert was 11 years old. His father died in Auschwitz only a few weeks later.