Am Friedrichshain 14
Prenzlauer Berg
Stone was laid
June 2009
22 November 1879 in Hamburg
Zimmerer / Stadtverordneter / Magistrat
Death due to incarceration and torture
21 January 1934 in Berlin
You have the right to be told by a member of the municipal council whether and for what reason he has served time. I want to present the evidence: [...] ‚Supreme Command Noske, Berlin, 11th November 1919: Due to the state of siege, business manager Georg Stolt is to be preventatively taken into military custody as a security measure in the interests of the Reich.[...] That was the situation and I am proud to have been inside Moabit [prison] on Noske's orders.“
Georg Stolt to the city council, 8. 9. 1921
Georg Stolt was a carpenter whose father had been a plumber. He joined the Central Association for Carpenters in 1900 and became a member of the SPD two years later. From 1905, he worked full-time as a workers' secretary in a number of different places. During the First World War he moved to Berlin and in 1917 he joined the USPD. In November 1918, he was voted by the Berlin Workers' and Soldiers’Councils to their Executive Council. He went over to the KPD in late 1920. Shortly afterwards, he was elected salaried counsellor by the city council. However, in 1921, since the left-wing parties no longer had a majority, the council decided to abolish his post as part of Prussian personnel reforms. In the same year, he was elected to the Prussian state parliament. He worked in the KPD Central Committee’s local government department until 1933. In 1925, a satirical report on city council elections appeared in the Vossische Zeitung newspaper, which revived old allegations of fraud that had since been dismissed by a party commission, and ended: When Georg Stolt, the communists’ economics specialist, talks about the Barmat group’s shadiest deals at City Hall or in the state parliament, we know that Stolt's realm is earthly. Wherever the deluge comes from, nobody needs worry about this communist leader. Fat always floats to the top. Stolt sued the newspaper and won. The trial placed him and the allegations against him in the public eye. On 19.1.1934, he was arrested and taken to Maikowsky Haus in Rosinenstraße, Charlottenburg, which had been taken over and renamed by the SA. He was held for two days and subjected to such extreme physical abuse that he died from his injuries.
Georg Stolt was a municipal councillor 1920 – 1924 (KPD); a city councillor in 1920, Constituency 11 Schöneberg (USPD); 1924 – 1925, nominated for election (KPD).
Georg Stolt to the city council, 8. 9. 1921
Georg Stolt was a carpenter whose father had been a plumber. He joined the Central Association for Carpenters in 1900 and became a member of the SPD two years later. From 1905, he worked full-time as a workers' secretary in a number of different places. During the First World War he moved to Berlin and in 1917 he joined the USPD. In November 1918, he was voted by the Berlin Workers' and Soldiers’Councils to their Executive Council. He went over to the KPD in late 1920. Shortly afterwards, he was elected salaried counsellor by the city council. However, in 1921, since the left-wing parties no longer had a majority, the council decided to abolish his post as part of Prussian personnel reforms. In the same year, he was elected to the Prussian state parliament. He worked in the KPD Central Committee’s local government department until 1933. In 1925, a satirical report on city council elections appeared in the Vossische Zeitung newspaper, which revived old allegations of fraud that had since been dismissed by a party commission, and ended: When Georg Stolt, the communists’ economics specialist, talks about the Barmat group’s shadiest deals at City Hall or in the state parliament, we know that Stolt's realm is earthly. Wherever the deluge comes from, nobody needs worry about this communist leader. Fat always floats to the top. Stolt sued the newspaper and won. The trial placed him and the allegations against him in the public eye. On 19.1.1934, he was arrested and taken to Maikowsky Haus in Rosinenstraße, Charlottenburg, which had been taken over and renamed by the SA. He was held for two days and subjected to such extreme physical abuse that he died from his injuries.
Georg Stolt was a municipal councillor 1920 – 1924 (KPD); a city councillor in 1920, Constituency 11 Schöneberg (USPD); 1924 – 1925, nominated for election (KPD).