Leon Rebensaft

Friedbergstr. 26
Stone was laid
10 November 2013
22 May 1915 in Lemberg / Lwów
04 December 1940 in Sachsenhausen
28 May 1942 in Sachsenhausen
Leon Rebensaft was born on May 22, 1915, in Lemberg. It is not known when he came to Berlin. His death certificate of June 16, 1942, lists Friedbergstrasse 11 (today 26) as his address and “chauffeur” as his occupation. In 1938 he was still living with his mother, Fanny Rebensaft (née Zwerdlinger), at Linienstrasse 215. A sister of his, Dancia Czarlinski, lived at Wielandstrasse 38. Leon Rebensaft remained a Polish citizen.

In 1938 Leon Rebensaft was accused and convicted of having sold a stolen accordion and sentenced to 25 days in prison for receiving stolen goods. According to the records of the case, he had been unemployed since October 1937.

In the course of mounting persecution of Polish and stateless Jews after the war began, Leon Rebensaft was arrested on December 4, 1940, and taken to the Sachsenhausen concentration camp. There he was ordered to be shot on May 28, 1942, at the age of only 26, along with 250 other Jews. These mass executions were Himmler’s retaliation for an arson attack on a Nazi anti-Communist propaganda exhibition by the resistance group led by Herbert Baum. The group that was shot was made up in part of Jews who had been arrested right after the attack and in part of prisoners from Sachsenhausen, one of whom was Leon Rebensaft.