Ludwigkirchplatz 12
Stone was laid
April 2009
11 July 1882 in Berlin
Juni 1933 Flucht nach Frankreich
on 27 March 1944
Later deported
in January 1945
Konzentrationslager Mauthausen
Later deported
on 06 February 1945
Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg
1945 in Konzentrationslager Flossenbürg
„My dear child, daddy and I are treading the hardest path of our lives today. On the 7th of the month, daddy and the rest of us were taken to be used as labour in the war zone... We are first going to the German labour camp in Drancy and from there...? If we don't come back alive, please be aware that we have loved you till the end and you are in our last thoughts with your husband and your child or children. What a shame I have not been able to hold my grandchild in my arms. [...] My thoughts, my love is with you and daddy hugs you a thousand times. I kiss your eyes, Musch. All my heart to dear Lazy and little Miryam.“
Herta Holz to her daugher Ilse, 16. 3. 1944
Leonhard Holz was born into a Jewish family on 11th July 1882 in Berlin. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Berlin in 1910. He fought as a soldier in the First World War from 1914 to 1918, was injured and awarded the Iron Cross. He was a member of the SPD and was appointed a notary in the Weimar Republic, which would not have been possible in the Kaiser Reich. He specialised in tenancy law and published several papers on the subject. On 30.4.1933, an SA commando threw him down the stairs of the Berlin district court and beat him. In mid-May 1933, he fled with his second wife Paula to Paris, where he was able to continue working as a lawyer after completing a supplementary course of study. His first wife Herta Holz and their daughter Ilse also emigrated to Paris. Ilse later emigrated to Colombia with her husband. On 16.3.1939, Leonhard and Paula Holz, whose death in 1935 had apparently not been registered by the authorities, were expatriated by the German Reich and their property in Berlin confiscated. Holz and his first wife were interned in France in 1940 and deported via Drancy assembly camp to Auschwitz in March 1944. Herta Holz was murdered in Auschwitz. Leonhard Holz was transported from Auschwitz to Mauthausen in late January 1945 and to Flossenbürg concentration camp on 3.3.1945. There are no further traces of him.
Leonhard Holz was a city councillor from 1920 – 1921, nominated for election (SPD)
Herta Holz to her daugher Ilse, 16. 3. 1944
Leonhard Holz was born into a Jewish family on 11th July 1882 in Berlin. He studied law and was admitted to the bar in Berlin in 1910. He fought as a soldier in the First World War from 1914 to 1918, was injured and awarded the Iron Cross. He was a member of the SPD and was appointed a notary in the Weimar Republic, which would not have been possible in the Kaiser Reich. He specialised in tenancy law and published several papers on the subject. On 30.4.1933, an SA commando threw him down the stairs of the Berlin district court and beat him. In mid-May 1933, he fled with his second wife Paula to Paris, where he was able to continue working as a lawyer after completing a supplementary course of study. His first wife Herta Holz and their daughter Ilse also emigrated to Paris. Ilse later emigrated to Colombia with her husband. On 16.3.1939, Leonhard and Paula Holz, whose death in 1935 had apparently not been registered by the authorities, were expatriated by the German Reich and their property in Berlin confiscated. Holz and his first wife were interned in France in 1940 and deported via Drancy assembly camp to Auschwitz in March 1944. Herta Holz was murdered in Auschwitz. Leonhard Holz was transported from Auschwitz to Mauthausen in late January 1945 and to Flossenbürg concentration camp on 3.3.1945. There are no further traces of him.
Leonhard Holz was a city councillor from 1920 – 1921, nominated for election (SPD)