Hermann Clajus

Schützallee 45
Stone was laid
March 2009
17 February 1881 in Leisnig
Maler / Stadtverordneter
Escape into death
18 March 1933 in Berlin
„[...] Announcement of cremation by the director of the office of the city council: The cremation of the late city councillor Clajus will take place on Thursday, 23rd of the month, at 6 pm at Wilmersdorf Crematorium.
Handwritten remark below: Dear Lord Mayor, City councillor Clajus committed suicide, possibly because he was about to be suspended as director of Strandbad Wannsee GmbH. Under these circumstances, one might refrain from sending a letter of condolence or a representative of the council to the cremation. Response: Agreed, Sahm 23/3

Internal memo from the director of the office of the Berlin city council

Hermann Clajus, the youngest of 12 children, trained as a painter. In 1899, he joined the German Association of Painters, Varnishers and Whitewashers, a trade union, and in 1904 he became a member of the SPD. He served as a soldier in the First World War from 1914 to 1918 and was seriously injured. He then worked as an assistant for the municipal milk suppliers. In 1924, he became the acting manager of the Wannsee beach and swimming pool, which was associated with decadence and immorality in conservative and church circles. After setting up the municipal company Strandbad Wannsee, Clajus was unanimously elected managing director by the municipal corporate bodies. The building and facilities which are still in use today were built according to his suggestions. In mid-March 1933, he discovered he was to be dismissed as director of Strandbad Wannsee and probably arrested. Clajus took his own life on 18.3.1933. On 3.8.1948, a commemorative plaque was installed in his memory at Strandbad Wannsee.

Hermann Clajus was a city councillor 1920 – 1921, nominated for election (USPD); 1922 nominated for election (USPD) / Constituency 2 Tiergarten (SPD); 1923 – 1933 Constituency 2 Tiergarten (SPD)
Charlotte Kreutzmüller