Charlotte Rosenthal née Witt

Thomasiusstraße 26
Stone was laid
08 August 2014
14 March 1908 in Samter / Szamotuły
on 02 March 1943 to Auschwitz
in Auschwitz
Charlotte Rosenthal was born in Samter, which at that time was part of Posen. Charlotte and her husband Martin Rosenthal first lived in Prenzlauer Berg, and later moved to Thomasiusstraße 26, where they subleased a room. They had no children. Charlotte Rosenthal worked as a housekeeper for the Jewish doctor Dr. Lippmann Dossmar, who lived in Moabit. He survived the Holocaust.

Charlotte's brother, Fritz Witt, fled from Nazi persecution to Shanghai. His fate is unknown. Fritz’ and Charlotte’s parents were deported to Theresienstadt. On March 2, 1943 Charlotte Rosenthal was deported to Auschwitz without her husband. He was deported there a day later on another transport. Both of them were murdered at Auschwitz.
Judith Elam